Take a Photo Tour of
Rogerson House
Rogerson House is constantly improving both its programs and its physical infrastructure, so be sure to schedule an in-person tour. Until you can come see how great we are face-to-face, though, we hope you’ll take a few minutes to see just a taste of the environment we offer our residents and day program participants as a place to relax, be themselves, and enjoy life. (Photos may take a few moments to load. Thanks for your patience.)

The Rogerson House main entrance is always comforting and welcoming.

Our staff in the main lobby, busy comparing notes to get ready for the day.

One of the many colorful art projects by our residents that grace our walls throughout Rogerson House.

Music Therapy always brings a smile and helps residents connect with warm memories.

Residents are encouraged to bring their own items to make their stay truly feel like home.

Some days we all just need an encouraging hug out in the garden.

Our spacious, brightly lit dining areas help make meals cheerful and uplifting.

Rogerson House sits on 3 acres of safe, beautiful green space that makes an afternoon stroll feel like a day at the park.

Our licensed Physical Therapists help residents and day program participants stay physically fit for greater confidence and independence.

Rogerson House has plenty of lush outdoor space for our residents, their families, and our Day Program enrollees to enjoy. We are also very close to beautiful Jamaica Pond and Arnold Arboretum.